For years, Mom has periodically sent me little envelopes stuffed with things. What kinds of things? Things I like, or weird things, or things that she thinks are funny and that I might like. It's always a lot of fun. Chris points out that this is her version of a blog, just on paper and put into an envelope.
If I had a scanner set up, I'd scan her stuff and post it. But until then, I think I'll just share with everyone what was in Mom's Blog this time around. Who knows, it might even become a regular feature.
1. "Hogs Wild in Berlin" -- Apparently when the wall came down in Germany, it let a big population of wild boars into downtown Berlin.
Wildschweine (VILT-SHVYN-uh) rummage through the garbage like raccoons. The picture, of a mama boar and three boar puppies crossing the street, is very Abbey Road.
2. "Back Like A Fox" -- An article from the FJC Hornet about how the Fox Theatre is coming back to life, raising money for its restoration by showing outdoor movies. This has been proven to be very popular. My mom is even quoted in the story. Punctuation errors have been corrected.
Fullerton resident and Fox Theatre promoter Susan Rhein was helping the more than 50 volunteers clean up as the crowd departed. She said that there was still a lot of work to be done until the Fox is completely restored.
Volunteers are gathering again at the Fox on Sept. 11, 2005 to keep working on the odds and ends of the old building. "Anyone can show up and help," Susan said. "Bring a hard hat though." She added that if anyone forgets a hard hat, they have a few extra.
3. A new monkey species has been discovered. Key quote: "The whiskered, three-foot-long tree dweller utters a loud call scientists have termed a 'honk-bark.'" I'm imagining the sound from that Home Grown song "Chula Vista."
4. Apparently people judge you by your first name, a theory that I have always believed but never seen in print. Says here that children whose names start with lo-, ta-, and qua-, or end with -isha or -ious do far worse in school than their
white differently-named schoolmates.
5. Mice can, and do, sing. Douglas Adams had it right all along.
6. Fullerton High School used to have a kayak club, back in the 30's. Every student of FUHS has heard the celebrated stories of kayak races on the sunken front lawn. They would flood it and put the boats out there, right along Chapman Ave. Mom sent a great article about the history of the kayak club, with a picture of them lined up on the beach in Corona Del Mar for "Pirate Days." Yar. This was back before school activities got crappy.
7. A list of the 10 worst jobs in the science field, with the #1 worst job being "Orangutan Pee Collector."
8. Finally, an entry for what appears to be a Trader Joe's coloring contest. The picture is of a girl alligator, who's painting a picture.