Sunday, August 14, 2005

You'd think it would have been Tang.

This story didn't just happen yesterday, nor the day before that. It may have been when I was a little girl, or shortly before I was born. It doesn't really matter, and I've always been taught not to let the facts get in the way of a good story.

My dad used to have a can of Pepsi with the space shuttle on it. He liked it, and thought it was pretty neat. He wanted to hang on to it because, hey, it might be worth something to someone someday.

Mom didn't think as much of the can, or its collectable properties. She just saw an old can of Pepsi. The debate went back and forth for decades, maybe even months, and dad finally gave up and opened the Pepsi. He may have even drank the Pepsi. Again, this story is such an apocryphal chestnut that it could really go either way. After he cracked the top on that sucker, he was finally on equal footing with mom. Now they both saw a worthless old can. So that was that.

Come on back to the present day. They were over at TinyHouse, and I was showing them the finer points of eBay. On a whim, I looked up that old can.

Turns out that NASA history can be yours, for the low low price of $6.99, plus shipping.

Update: All the space shuttle Pepsi cans available on eBay are empty. I'm assuming that this means a full can would go for, oh, 10-15 thousand dollars. Dad, you are thus far vindicated.

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