Friday, September 16, 2005

I peed a little reading this.

From my friend Vince at work:

Check out the email I got from my health insurance company today below. Here is the response I sent - I'm going to hell:

From: "Frank D" To: "Vincent M"
Subject: RE: E-mail from

Unfortunately, that department does not have access to e-mail. At this time, the only way to contact our claims department is by calling (559) 734-1321.

I apologize for the incontinence.

Frank D
Foundation for Medical Care

Dear Frank,
Incontinence isn't something you should feel you have to apologize for. Millions of Americans suffer similar problems every day. It's nothing to feel ashamed about, but a private matter you should discuss with your family physician. Chances are, it's a symptom of something that can be treated easily.

Don't beat yourself up, kid. Everyone has an accident every now and then.

Vincent M

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