Thursday, April 13, 2006

Jay Leno: Contact us immediately

Chris bought a flat-screen black computer monitor over the weekend. It's very nice. As with most things that come in large boxes, the actual box has brought us more joy than the monitor. Almost. It's a really nice monitor.

You know how sometimes you'll see something placed right next to something else, with an unintentionally humorous effect? Chris' dad saw a great example of this at Disney's California Adventure, where they put a smoking area right underneath an "explosives" warehouse.

In this case, the result is more redundant than anything, but still super funny. First the box, then the close-up.

If any of you point out that he may not, in fact, be black but rather some form of Pacific Islander, I will rip your face off. Just let it be.


Elizabeth said...

I don't normally comment on other people's comments, but wtf is this? I don't know this person, which is fine, but if you're going to the trouble of commenting on a stranger's website, have something to say besides "ciao." You, sir, have too much time on your hands. As do I.

Anonymous said...

As do I... because not only did I read the bad comment... but I read your comment to the bad comment, and now I'm commenting...

Say something witty... say something witty...

Naw I've got nothing...
