Saturday, October 21, 2006

Stinky update

For those of you wondering about how Stinky the squirrel is doing, I'm pleased to report that he's doing just fine and is making some serious preparations for the onset of winter. He's gotten super fat. I don't know if squirrels hibernate or what, but either way, he's all set to go.

This has been your Stinky Update.

1 comment:

erica said...

Oh, now that I know you have a squirrel, I must read the rest of the archives (I had a squirrel once named Grampy). I'm very much enjoying your blog, I think we may have a similar, um, 'thing' about us. I'm a readhead too.

I don't believe squirrels hibernate. However, here's a fun fact: squirrels store up nuts for the winter, it is true, but come winter they don't remember where they put them. They kind of just find other squirrels' stashes, and perhaps their own, if they're lucky.