Sunday, October 22, 2006

Bad Copy of the Day Award

I'm in the midst of writing my second-to-last-website-ever-EVER-do-you-hear-me, and I had to look up the word "enucleation" so I could write about it. Apparently it's the surgical removal of the eyeball. Anyway, the first site I clicked on in hopes of getting some details turned out to be enucleation for pets. That's where I found this little gem:

"Most people have a strong preference for their pets to have two eyes and would like to keep both their pet’s eyes if possible. "

Most people? I'd like to meet the rest of the people surveyed. Then again, maybe I don't.

That said, I always thought it would be cool to adopt a dog with three legs, one eye, or some other charmingly bizarre deformity, just for the naming possibilities. I've already got a list, ready to go: Tripod, Gimpy, Skippy, Hopalong, Winky, Squinty, Cap'n (only good with an eyepatch), and many, many more.

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