I know it's been a long time since I rapped at ya, but things have been pretty crazy since Ron got me fired from that sweet job at the plant. I'm low on weed and my ride's been crapping out ever since I tried to fix the tranny with parts I stole from the junkyard.
....this is all very funny, by the way, if you are a regular reader of "The Cruise" by Jim Anchower. I just got shouted at because I haven't blogged anything in several days. Look, even MY life isn't that scintillating all the time. I've also heard that certain giant companies who clearly do not fight for their employees' right to party are blocking access to the comment feature of this blog. All I can say to them is: try to muzzle the Celtic Tiger, guys, and you're just asking for trouble. Or at least several decades of unrest and drunken infighting. They're good at that.
Moving forward, I will make every attempt to be more entertaining. I may have a small fan base, but they're rabid as all hell. For this I thank you.
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