Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Snorkel Leg

Apparently I've coined a term that pleases Chris greatly, so I can only hope to serve my other fans by posting it here on Funundrum, the source for all the news that [still working on my tagline].

Snorkel Leg: n: That thing you do when you're in bed and you're kind of hot, but not too hot to throw off the blanket entirely. You know, when you stick your leg out and curl it back over so it's on top of the blanket. Snorkeling for cooler air.

I believe that Snorkel Leg might have been around number 6 on the Top Five Things That Jesus Probably Looked Forward To Doing As A Human Being.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Snokel Leg, 'tis good.
Happy Birthday Funundrum!