Thursday, July 27, 2006

I did not care for "The Godfather."

Man, have you ever admitted to someone that you hated a classic movie, only to be argued with, cajoled, reasoned with, and finally personally attacked? All because you did not care for The Godfather? This happens to me all the time, because 1) I have never seen a ton of classic movies, and 2) I am contrary as all getout.

This clip from Family Guy illustrates perfectly the conversations I've had to have with people over the years about movies like Casino, Fight Club, Fletch, and yes, even The Godfather.

I mean, I've never even seen The Godfather, and I can tell you that I'm not a fan. I don't like Al Pacino, and you can't make me.

Update: It appears that this video has been yanked from YouTube for copyright infringy kind of thingys. Eh. It was beautiful, I assure you.


Anonymous said...

That was beautiful.....I love when you can realte to something. It made me choke on my ginger ale a bit.....


Anonymous said...

How can you not care for Fight Club?