Several days ago, Chris and I ate at the only Carl's Jr. in town and realized that there's a cool specialty food store right next to it. This is an awesome store that's a little bit Trader Joe's, a little bit gourmet food store, and a whole lot of butcher/deli/dairy case awesomeness. The second best things I saw there were the butter turkey and butter Christmas tree -- little molded pieces of butter, about the same volume as a stick of butter, but shaped like a turkey or tree. Must have one this Thanksgiving.
The best thing I found, personally, was Hob Nobs. Hob Nobs are English oat cookies that are really oaty but sweet enough to be super tasty. They only had regular, not the ones with chocolate on one side. It was during my blissed-out description of chocolate Hob Nobs to Chris that I made a huge realization. I didn't want chocolate Hob Nobs (well, I did but I'm making a point here) -- I wanted Tim Tams.
Tim Tams, which originated in Australia, are better than anything you've ever had. Except maybe Oreos. Alone, they are really nothing more than chocolate-covered biscuits, but don't even bother unless you've got a cup of hot tea. The purpose of the tea is not to make you feel fancy and anglophilic, though if it does... you've got way too much time on your hands. No, the tea is there to facilitate the finest cookie-related ritual in the world (sorry, Oreo). The Tim Tam Slam is deftly performed by biting small bits off opposite corners of the rectangular cookie, then using said cookie as a straw to suck up the tea. As soon as the tea hits your mouth, you'd better pull the cookie out and bite off the other end, as it's busy disintegrating into individual molecules of pure joy.
I ordered some Tim Tams as soon as we got home -- they should be here today. I'm way more excited than I have any right to be.
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