Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Son of wedding accessory horrors

Or daughter, I guess, to be precise. This little girl creeps the hell out of me. In all these pictures, she looks like she's focusing her death laser eyebeams, or silently communicating with her dark lord via her enormous echolocating forehead.

Optional dialogue to try whilst viewing these pictures:

1. "The sun! It burns us, my Precious!"

2. "Whoomp whoomp whoomp whoomp WHOOMP WHOOMP whoomp" (Same Flash Gordon-y type noise as HypnoDog™.)

3. "...." (Because there are no words for wishing someone's mangled, half-human form out into the corn field.) (Extra points for people who remember this, one of the creepiest Twilight Zone episodes ever. It was an excellent short story first, but no need to get technical.)

1 comment:

erica said...

"[E]cholocating forehead" - I love your writing.

You know they were waving a slab of raw beef in front of her just to coax out that smile. She's all "Fleeeesssshhhh!!!"