Wednesday, February 28, 2007

... really?

This headline really jumped out at me today on CNN. Now, I don't, as a rule, use racial slurs. I'm an equal opportunity hater, meaning I am willing to hate you no matter what color you are, as long as you're stupid and hindering my existence. So if I noticed this, chances are good that someone else did too. For shame, CNN.*

Japan's Slopes Emerge as International Ski Magnet

See, the first thing I thought was, "Wait, do they mean the people or the mountains?" Which is wrong and terrible and whatever, but also funny. You're telling me, Mr. CNN Staff Writer, that you couldn't come up with a different way to say that without using a fairly widespread disparaging term for Asians? Really?

* I know, I was supposed to stop reading CNN, but old habits are hard to break and come ON! If I would have been reading BBC, you never would have gotten this post.

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