Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Weather Channel is harsh.

It's snowed every weekend for the last six weeks in Colorado. I don't just mean that snowstorms happened to bleed over into the weekend, I mean that we have been snow-free on weekdays, only to have a storm blow in on Friday night, Saturday, and/or Sunday. We are kind of tired of snow for a while, and we weren't even here for two of the biggest storms.

Chris and I turn on the Weather Channel every morning while ironing clothes, because living in Colorado means paying attention to the weather each and every single day. We're not in San Diego (weather forecast: nice) anymore.

So what with the recent interminable snow, it was really disheartening to see the following advice from the weather gurus, even if they were talking about the Great Lakes:

Now, because the temperature has busted up above 40, we are going to celebrate by taking our cabin-feverish dog to the dog park.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Smokin' hot weather guy.