Attention new parents, including Michelle and Justin. If you're ever looking for a surefire way to remember your child's date of birth or litter number, why not consider getting tattoos placed inside his or her ears? It was with the help of such technology that we were able to learn about Maggie's beginnings. She was whelped on December 12, 2002 and is the progeny of sire Talented Mr Ripley and dam Abita Tinkerbell. Her racing name was TS Talented Tami. She was then cruelly named Tilia by her first family, which I still don't get.
At any rate, yesterday was Maggie's fourth birthday. We thought for a moment about buying a small cake from one of those specialty dog bakeries (one of the things that's seriously wrong with America), but realized that she's a dog who licks her own butt and doesn't realize it's her birthday to begin with. So we candled up a raw turkey neck that we would have given her anyway, sang the song, and watched her gnaw at it. Good times.
Both my daughter and Maggie are cute.
More important than Maggie's birthday and the raw turkey neck - where does one get a pair of monkey pants like yours? And why have I not been told of their esistence?
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