Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Rock stars and Mormons

Tuesday was interesting. At about 10 am, a group of musicians (collective noun: a stink of musicians) invaded my house. Kenny's band, The Human Abstract, as well as a few roadies and such, are on tour and were playing in Denver that night. Since they had driven all night from Ogden, Utah, we opened our home to them and offered up the most rare of all traveling delicacies: a washing machine and hot showers.

They were all very well-behaved boys and were generally grateful to have clean clothes and a quiet place to chill out for the day. In fact, only one bizarre thing happened the whole day -- Nathan, the singer, had been sitting out on our front lawn doing brooding singer-type things for a while. I happened to glance out the window and...there they were. Mormons on my lawn. Just sitting there, like conservatively dressed garden gnomes. I resisted the urge to shoo them away with a broom and instead grabbed my camera. For those of you who have never seen such a curious sight, here it is. Mormons on a lawn.

If you're wondering what Nathan spent all that time talking to the Lawn Mormons about, he says that they have some interesting things to say about the Mayans. Apparently they had a god who was fair skinned. The Mormons believe that this is on account of Jesus coming to the Americas and explains why the Mayans at first welcomed their Spanish conquerors with open arms.

Perdon, los Mormons del Césped. Jesus no fue blanco. Pinche Mormons.

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