Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bad Copy of the Day Award

My friend Shannon was asking me about the terrible pictures from this infertility site I wrote back in the day (related:  I came up with the world's best infertility tagline for this guy -- "Turning Wishes Into Miracles") and I wanted to show her the rest of the site.

I remembered that he had not only the fancy new website that we built for him, but a bunch of crappy old sites too, where the old pictures might still live.  I went to my old employer's website to try to find this doctor's site, and was completely sidetracked by this sentence.  Please keep in mind that at least 40% of what this company sells is really well-written copy.  

"You are also invited to explore this website, as well as the websites of ABC Co.'s five major subsidiaries:  ABC Co. Medical, ABC Co. Dental, and ABC Co. Law."

Go ahead.  Explore all five of those.  I can't imagine why I left that place.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't know, that a heckuva lot to explore.