Monday, July 30, 2007

The What-inator?

What's wrong with America, you ask? Our president consults a Magic 8-Ball to determine the course of foreign policy, only it's a special Magic 8-Ball that only has answers like "KILL," "INVADE NOW, ASK AGAIN LATER," and "DON'T LISTEN TO THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE, YOU CAN'T HEAR THEM, LA LA LA LA LA"? Sure, that too, but what about the latest cheeseburger offering from Wendy's? I'm referring here to the Baconator. You heard me.

I took this picture with the CrapCam, so I'm rather impressed with the photo quality. For those of you whose eyes are watering at the thought of how much grease is involved in this sandwich, allow me to provide the gory details. Six strips of bacon, a half pound of beef, and two pieces of cheese. I know that just to the left, the triple cheeseburger is crying out for its fair share of attention, but it hasn't got a banner surrounding its picture that says "NEW NEW NEW" and it sure as HELL does not have a bitching name like the Baconator. I weep for my nation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard an ad for this and thought it was a joke - like the old Toilet Duck commercials. You know, where the toilet duck comes flying out, quacking, and you're thinking "OK, now the energizer bunny shows up.", except the energizer bunny never shows up and you're left agape.

Well, once we all kill ourselves with this food, it will leave more space for the saner, less homicidal nations to spread out. I heard they could use some breathing room over in Tanzania. Sigh.