Monday, July 09, 2007

Independence Day Tiki Party

...Because Hawaii's a state too. Chris and I wanted to throw a party on July 4, but I didn't want to go all flagaphile on everyone. It's not really my thing, never has been. Like, I appreciate the fact that I'm an American, with all these opportunities and giant food portions lying about, but on most days I'm not proud of my country. If you'd really like to go in depth with me about that, we'll take it up later. For now, our party pictures.

Okay, so it was a bunch of people standing around in plastic leis and Hawaiian shirts, but it's about the little details at my get-togethers. You will notice that I lovingly installed a plastic sheet along our deck railing that had a picture on it of the beach AND the ocean. Nothing's too good for my guests.

Really, you can't do this sort of thing without dressing up the dog. The skirt lasted just long enough to take the picture, but she left the leis on all night. My dog is awesome and knows how to roll with a theme.

Here's a better picture of the extremely convincing beach scene, enhanced by hula girl Jennie.

Seriously. Best dog ever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not proud of the country, either, but I do enjoy my freedom to be weird and expore kooky shit. Hell, I own a house - none of my relatives in Germany can say the same.

Your dog gets the award for best dressed dog on the fourth of july from the American Society of Lei Lovin' Dog Photo Admirers. ASLLDPA for short.