Thursday, July 12, 2012

Hubris, thy name is Wilton.

Ever since I took a couple cake decorating classes a while ago, I've been pleased to be an entry-level Frosting Ninja, capable of rendering in buttercream such masterpieces as R2-D2 and this thing.  Decorating cakes the "Wilton Way" takes a lot of time and patience.  These days, I've got plenty of patience, but very little free time that can be spent in the kitchen.  The free kitchen time I do have I'd prefer to spend making beer.  But a few weeks back, I decided to make a birthday cake for my friend Katie, who is an internet nerd like me.  Without thinking much about it, I asked her what meme she'd like on her cake.

She responded with Hipster Ariel, which I regretted immediately, because she looks like this:

And though it is funny as all get-out, I am not that talented.  So I substituted with Socially Awkward Penguin, which is a penguin-sponsored representation of all the insecure, self-doubting things we've ever done as a species.  For example:

Here's the cake:

It was checkerboard red velvet and white.  A pain in the ass, but such fun to look at!

So here's where I'm going with this.  Since I don't have time to be making royal icing dandelions and marzipan unicorns* or anything anymore, I'm instituting the following cake rule:  unless it's for my son's birthday, I shall make cakes only portraying internet memes.  It's just like any other artist pursuing a focused vision.  But more cakey, and likely with more advice animals.

*Why yes! "Marzipan Unicorns" WOULD make an excellent name for a rock band.  Ten points to you.

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