Friday, November 12, 2010

Oh hey, BTW I'm having a baby or something.

I mean, I'm pretty sure it's a baby. I've seen a bunch of pictures of what is allegedly my uterus, which contains a moving thing that is either a baby or a reasonable facsimile thereof.

This post is pretty much for whichever of my two readers didn't already know. As of today, I'm a little over halfway there, and due in mid-to-late March. It should be a pretty cool kid. I'm trying really hard not to be an obsessed mommy type person, because I mock those people and that would be really awkward.

Anyway, I was searching my library's database today for some books on natural childbirth, on account of my need to know too much about every hobby* I get myself into. You can see why I found the results hilarious.
* Uh, yeah, having a baby totally counts as a hobby. It adheres to all the major tenents of Hobbydom:
  1. Costs money
  2. Requires specialized gear
  3. You do it on purpose
  4. People spend a lot of time on irritating message boards devoted solely to the subject/activity
  5. When talking about the subject/activity, you quickly bore the hell out of people who aren't directly participating in said activity


Miz Dinah said...

Oh hey. BTW, congrats! :)

Unknown said...

CONGRATS!!! i have fibroids (or a tumor, maybe) growing in my uterus, i find out saturday what's in there. wanna trade? :P